The best way, how to create website

Hello, Everyone In This Blog post we will discuss about how to create a Website. In our previous blog we have learned about The Best Way, How To Learn Digital Marketing Free Course?. it Is a small part of digital marketing so start to learn then create and achieve go through step by step.

in this blogpost we will learned how to create a Websites.

  • how to create websites free.
  • how to create websites by investing money.

in today website creation is very easy and simple. those people think there is a requirement of computer Languages. Thinking is fully wronged or they Don't implement their knowledge due to fear. in this post we will learn how to create a web site is an easy way. in this blog, we will discuss both ways free or paid.

boost your business by creating a websites.

let's know how to create website free.

in to the Beginning all doing Hard work But Don't see a Result because all are learning, they Don't know how its work or many issues held with that so if you are a starting a website only for a learning purpose then go through free, if you are creating a web site for earn money then go through paid.

how to choose topics.?

choosing the topic became very difficult. but after reading this post its made easy for you, people Don't know How to choose or select a topic. many ways of selecting a topic.

  • topic selection as done as per Niche.
  • Topic Selection As Done As Per interest.

and there are following ways of topic selection but we will about that. in detail

Topic Selection As per niche. and create a website

Topic Selection As Per Niche means what you are thinking about write, as per a particular topic... if you want to write about innovations then your niche should be Technology. that can we said that topic selection as per the niche.

best niche related topic

  • technology.
  • fashion trends.
  • news.
  • education
  • personal blogs

Topic Selection As Per interest and create a website.

Topic Selection As Per interest means create a website and share your thoughts and views whatever you are interested in. like you are interested in games they then create a website Related to sports.

there is a many web site who are creating a website is free.

you cant create a website free Extension like .com , .in , .NET … free website creation should we done like , suppose we are creating a free web site using blogger our brand name is food so we will getting websites like like that kinds of website you create free.

  • blogger- provides a websites like that
  • GoDaddy-Provides A Websites Like That
  • Wix-Provides A Websites Like That
  • Shopify-Provides A Websites Like That
  • WordPress-Provides A Websites Like That

and many etc websites provides a free creation of website.

let us start to know how to create websites using blogger.

learn in detail step by step.

step 1. go to the chrome and search

blogger search reasults

step2. open the first link or click here then you will see that kind of menu.

Entry page of blogger that will appear on your screen

Step3. click on create on the blog then that kind of screen appear. after that enter your email address or password.

login page of blogger

step4. after your entering your Gmail and password that kind of windows appear on your screen lets see.

chose title of your blog

Step5.choose a proper title for your website. I have choosing to learn digital marketing free. and pressing next. then you will appear that kind of screen. and enter a proper website name because of its brand name. I am choosing whyworriedindia because of its brand name. and press next. that menu you should write a description of your website.

write here blog description. i am writing come here to learn something.

then press finish. then our website will we ready and showing in a web.

then you will edit your main page of your website like.

  • to choose proper themes
  • make post

and many more.

you have seen how to create a Website using blogger Free. Now lets know how to make a website by investing a little bit amount of money. free service there is a Limited Features so its for only for learning purpose or you can not to earn money from that

The best way, to start a website by investing money. and start earning.

for making a website there should a requirement of hosting and website. here we will how to build a website.

the requirement of domain and hosting.

what is domain name?

the domain name is a identity, where users can find you in an internet by using them.

there are many of the domain provider are available.

  • GoDaddy
  • Hostinger
  • WordPress

and many others are the websites who are providing domain.

What Is hosting?

hosting is a thing where you can store your data which is uploaded in your websites many of the companies providing hosting services at a reasonable rate.

  • GoDaddy
  • Hostinger
  • WordPress
  • site ground
  • Hostgator

and many of the other websites who provides a web hosting services today in our next blog we will discuss how to host a WordPress website in detail so follow and subscribe that blog

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